2013년 11월 28일 목요일

About 'tuscaloosa water'|Salt Water Saturday: Gameday Treats in Tuscaloosa

About 'tuscaloosa water'|Salt Water Saturday: Gameday Treats in Tuscaloosa

COMMENTARY               |               Destructive               tornadoes               in               Alabama               have               drawn               the               Federal               Emergency               Management               Agency               (FEMA)               to               the               state.

131               people               are               dead               and               the               death               toll               is               sure               to               rise               after               a               series               of               violent               twisters               ripped               through               the               state               and               left               wreckage               in               16               counties.

The               city               of               Tuscaloosa               alone               suffered               millions               of               dollars               in               damage.

Nearly               1               million               people               remain               without               power               as               state               officials               and               national               guard               troops               began               cleaning               up               the               wreckage.

Given               how               FEMA               handled               disaster               relief               efforts               in               New               Orleans               during               the               aftermath               of               Hurricane               Katrina,               the               agency               is               not               a               welcome               presence               to               most               people               in               this               region.

FEMA               earned               a               reputation               for               being               inept               and               inefficient               during               crisis               management,               and               the               agency               will               need               to               work               overtime               this               time               around               to               repair               its               image.
               There               are               three               lessons               FEMA               can               take               from               how               it               handled               Hurricane               Katrina               as               it               commences               efforts               to               aid               Alabama               residents:
               Allow               private               organizations               to               deliver               supplies
               One               of               the               biggest               failures               for               FEMA               during               its               disaster               response               in               New               Orleans               was               the               agency's               unwillingness               to               allow               aid               to               flow               in               from               businesses               and               charities.

A               state-of-the-art               mobile               hospital               sent               from               the               University               of               North               Carolina               was               turned               away.

FEMA               did               not               allow               the               American               Red               Cross               to               deliver               food.

Wal-Mart               supply               trucks               were               also               turned               back               by               the               agency.
               Simply               relying               on               its               own               staff               and               resources               left               FEMA               greatly               overextended               and               unable               to               adequately               help               people               in               need.

There               was               unnecessary               suffering,               and               death               in               some               cases,               because               the               agency               stubbornly               refused               assistance               from               any               outside               sources.
               Make               better               use               of               existing               resources
               One               of               the               most               infamous               episodes               in               the               aftermath               of               Hurricane               Katrina               was               symbolized               by               the               145,000               trailers               FEMA               brought               into               Louisiana               to               house               the               hundreds               of               thousands               of               victims               who               had               been               displaced               by               the               hurricane.

The               problem               was               that               an               estimated               42               percent               of               those               trailers               emitted               toxic               levels               of               formaldehyde.

Thousands               of               people               were               forced               to               live               in               those               trailers               anyway.

Thousands               more               remained               homeless               after               the               hurricane.
               Housing               was               not               the               only               issue.

FEMA               did               not               utilize               the               skills               of               firefighters               and               doctors               who               volunteered               to               help               victims               of               the               disaster.

Firefighters               were               restricted               to               handing               out               flyers               and               doctors               were               limited               in               who               they               were               allowed               to               treat.
               Act               quickly:
               FEMA               officials               waited               too               long               to               respond               to               the               storm               in               New               Orleans,               which               helped               fuel               the               devastating               conditions               there.

Basic               necessities               like               food,               water               and               blankets               were               not               immediately               available               to               victims               of               Hurricane               Katrina.

Sick               and               injured               people               were               not               immediately               rescued               either,               as               the               agency               needlessly               waited               to               assess               the               situation               before               sending               in               rescue               vehicles               and               staff               to               take               action.

The               prolonged               response               helped               add               dozens               of               lives               to               the               storm's               final               death               toll.
               Response               time               has               been               quicker               since               Hurricane               Katrina.

But               one               thing               FEMA               can't               afford               to               do               in               Alabama               is               not               get               on               the               ground               quickly               and               efficiently.

Doing               so               will               not               just               be               a               good               public               relations               move,               but               it               could               be               a               matter               of               life               and               death               for               some               people               affected               by               the               tornadoes.
               "FEMA               officials               head               to               Alabama,"               Joe               Barrett,               Wall               Street               Journal,               April               28,               2011.
               "FEMA               says               it's               wiser               now,"               Faye               Fiore,               Los               Angeles               Times,               September               2,               2008.
               "After               Failures,               Government               Officials               Play               Blame               Game,"               Scott               Shane,               New               York               Times,               September               5,               2005.
               "The               Awful               Odyssey               of               FEMA's               Hurricane               Katrina               Trailers,"               Bruce               Watson,               Daily               Finance,               August               28,               2010

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                   Justin               Tuck               plays               defensive               end               for               the               New               York               Giants.

    Drafted               by               the               Giants               in               2005               from               Notre               Dame,               Tuck               has               helped               the               Giants               win               two               Super               Bowls.

    The               two               time               All-Pro               has               49.5               career               sacks               and               18               forced               fumbles.

    I               recently               had               a               chance               to               speak               with               Justin               while               he               was               down               in               New               Orleans               taking               in               the               Super               Bowl               festivities.

    He               was               working               with               SUBWAY               restaurants               as               a               Famous               Fan               to               make               sure               people               are               staying               healthy.
                   Justin               gave               me               his               thoughts               on               who               would               win               this               year's               Super               Bowl               between               the               San               Francisco               49ers               and               the               Baltimore               Ravens.

    Plus               we               talked               about               his               foundation               called               Tuck's               R.U.S.H.

    for               Literacy               and               who               he               thinks               should               win               this               year's               NFL               MVP.
                   Art               Eddy:               This               Sunday               we               get               to               see               the               49ers               and               Ravens               in               the               Super               Bowl,               who               do               you               have               winning               the               game?
                   Justin               Tuck:               I               think               it               is               going               to               be               a               close               match               up.

    If               I               was               a               betting               man               I               would               put               my               money               on               the               Ravens.

    I               think               they               are               a               team               of               destiny               this               year.

    The               49ers               have               a               great               football               team               and               we               battle               with               those               guys               constantly.

    So               we               know               how               good               of               a               football               team               they               are               and               on               paper               I               think               that               they               are               a               better               football               team               than               the               Ravens.
                   I               just               feel               with               all               the               things               that               they               went               through               that               the               Ravens               have               that               not               going               to               lose               mentality.

    Kind               of               like               how               we               felt               in               our               Super               Bowls.

    That               is               why               I               think               that               they               will               pull               a               win               out.
                   AE:               You               have               played               in               two               Super               Bowls               and               won               both               of               them               which               both               were               against               the               Patriots.

    Was               there               anything               different               for               you               the               second               time               around               and               is               there               anything               to               playoff               experience?
                   JT:               I               think               for               me               the               second               time               it               was               being               accustomed               to               what               I               would               expect.

    I               think               the               first               time               you               are               just               in               awe.

    You               get               to               enjoy               the               moment               with               your               team,               but               you               don't               get               the               whole               concept               of               the               Super               Bowl               the               first               time.

    The               second               time               I               think               things               slow               down               for               you               a               bit.

    You               know               how               to               prepare               yourself               for               the               game.

    The               atmospheres               for               both               Super               Bowls               were               crazy.

    I               had               great               experiences               of               ultimately               winning               both               football               games.

    That's               what               you               come               down               here               to               do.
                   AE:               You               played               against               Robert               Griffin               and               the               Redskins               pistol               offense               and               you               have               seen               the               zone               read               option               run               by               a               few               teams.

    Do               you               think               this               style               of               offense               will               be               a               preview               of               things               to               come               or               will               this               play               calling               had               a               small               shelf               life?
                   JT:               I               think               it               is               going               to               be               something               that               some               teams               use.

    But               the               fact               of               the               matter               is,               depending               on               what               happens               Sunday,               the               read               option               has               not               produced               a               Super               Bowl               winning               quarterback               yet.

    The               pocket               quarterbacks               that               can               sit               back               there               and               make               the               plays               are               the               ones               that               help               the               team               win.

    Things               might               change               come               Sunday               if               (Colin)               Kaepernick               is               able               to               lead               the               49ers               to               a               win.

    That               would               be               the               first               running               style               quarterback               to               win               it               I               think.
                   AE:               Many               people               think               the               MVP               race               comes               down               to               Peyton               Manning               and               Adrian               Peterson.

    Who               do               you               think               deserves               the               MVP               award               this               year?
                   JT:               I               would               go               with               Adrian               just               because               that               would               be               his               first.

    He               had               a               great               season               this               year               coming               off               that               ACL               (injury).

    That               is               not               to               take               anything               away               from               Peyton.

    He               had               a               great               year               too.

    Peyton               has               got               a               few               of               those.

    I               would               give               it               to               Adrian               just               for               the               fact               that               it               would               be               the               first               time               Adrian               has               been               up               for               the               award.

    I               have               seen               the               way               he               can               do               things               and               he               has               been               the               focal               guy.

    When               he               has               the               ball               there               are               eleven               guys               converging               on               him.

    For               a               quarterback               you               can               get               the               ball               out               of               your               hands.

    For               Adrian               once               he               has               the               ball               there               is               no               one               that               he               can               throw               the               ball               too.

    Obviously               everyone               knows               about               the               greatness               of               Peyton               Manning,               but               this               year               I               feel               that               Adrian               deserves               it               a               bit               more.
                   AE:               As               a               Notre               Dame               alum               how               tough               was               it               to               watch               the               BCS               game?
                   JT:               Very               tough               especially               when               you're               sitting               in               the               box               looking               at               it.

    I               was               down               there               for               the               game.

    It               was               tough               to               watch.

    Your               hat               goes               off               to               coach               (Nick)               Saban               and               what               he               was               able               to               do               with               the               guys               in               Tuscaloosa.

    I               am               still               proud               of               my               Irish               and               what               they               were               able               to               accomplish               this               year               getting               to               be               the               number               one               team               in               the               nation.

    They               didn't               play               the               game               that               I               thought               they               would               play               in               the               championship               game,               but               they               just               went               up               against               a               great               foe               and               they               didn't               play               their               best               game.
                   AE:               Earlier               this               week               I               spoke               with               49ers               great               Ronnie               Lott               about               his               foundation.

    He               said               you               guys               work               together               on               charity               work.

    You               have               a               great               charity               called               Tuck's               R.U.S.H.

    for               Literacy.

    Tell               me               about               how               and               why               you               started               it               up?
                   JT:               Well               first               off               hats               off               to               Ronnie               and               the               All-Star               Helping               Kids.

    They               are               a               big               part               of               my               success               in               working               with               the               community.

    He               was               giving               me               help               on               how               to               be               successful               in               my               philanthropy.

    I               definitely               look               up               to               him.
                   The               reason               why               we               started               this               was               that               me               and               my               wife               are               very               passionate               about               kids.

    We               are               very               passionate               about               education.

    Reading               and               literacy               is               the               number               one               thing               for               getting               a               good               education.

    So               we               wanted               to               help               out               and               try               and               work               in               schools               with               kids               in               the               area.

    We               have               been               very               successful               and               it               has               been               going               very               well.
                   AE:               You               are               a               father               and               what               is               the               best               thing               about               being               a               dad               and               what               main               piece               of               advice               do               you               want               to               instill               with               your               son?
                   JT:               If               I               was               going               to               tell               my               son               one               thing               I               would               say,               well               there               are               so               many               things               you               want               to               leave,               but               I               think               it               is               treat               people               they               way               you               would               want               to               be               treated.

    Make               sure               you               live               life               to               the               fullest.

    Enjoy               every               moment               living.

    Don't               ever               regret               anything               and               live               life               to               the               fullest.
                   AE:               You               are               part               of               the               SUBWAY's               Famous               Fan               campaign               right               now               in               New               Orleans               and               are               helping               people               find               a               better               way               to               eat               healthier               and               keep               up               with               the               New               Year's               resolutions.

    What               are               some               tips               that               you               can               offer               people               to               live               a               healthier               lifestyle?
                   JT:               You               just               got               to               make               sure               you               put               the               right               things               in               your               body.

    I               always               tell               people               as               a               reference               to               treat               your               body               like               you               are               a               Ferrari               and               not               a               Pinto.

    If               you               have               a               Ferrari               you               are               not               putting               87               unleaded               gas               in               it.

    You               are               putting               the               best               gas               you               can               put               in               it.

    So               why               would               you               treat               your               body               any               different?

    Make               sure               you               always               eat               your               fruit               and               vegetables               and               putting               the               right               things               in               your               body.

    Just               make               sure               it               is               quality               stuff               because               that               is               your               body.

    You               only               got               one               of               those               and               you               are               not               getting               another               one.
                   To               listen               to               the               entire               interview               with               Justin               Tuck               click               here!

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