레이블이 Birmingham Weather인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Birmingham Weather인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 25일 월요일

About 'tuscaloosa weather'|Mile-wide monster rips through Tuscaloosa, Birmingham!!!

About 'tuscaloosa weather'|Mile-wide monster rips through Tuscaloosa, Birmingham!!!

I               want               to               let               you               the               reader               know               upfront               that               I               never               write               about               the               topic               you               are               fixing               to               read               and               this               will               probably               be               the               last               time               I               delve               into               a               topic               such               as               this,               I               guess               because               I               don't               want               to               come               across               as               harping               or               pushing               my               personal               beliefs               on               others.

But               with               everything               that               is               taking               place               in               our               country               and               the               world               today,               with               the               terrible               storms               and               floods               that               are               ravaging               the               south,               I               felt               compelled.

               Recently               when               one               turns               on               the               news               today,               it               seems               to               be               a               certain               theme               running.

Storms               in               the               south,               flooding               along               the               Mississippi               and               most               recently               another               tornado               in               Joplin               Missouri               have               run               a               painful               course               dealing               damage               and               wrecking               homes,               businesses               and               even               lives.
               In               times               of               people               greatest               need               when               they               have               lost               absolutely               everything,               where               do               they               turn?
               After               all,               the               world               itself               is               going               through               some               very               trying               times.

With               wars               waging               in               the               Middle               East,               the               earthquake               in               Japan               and               some               of               the               worst               weather               in               the               U.S.

since               hurricane               Katrina.

With               hurricane               season               around               the               corner               we               may               still               see               the               worst               yet               to               come.
               It               can               be               difficult               for               one               to               grasp               and               wrap               your               head               around               just               how               impactful               these               events               can               be.
               I               think               everyone               knows               just               how               bad               hurricane               Katrina               was,               if               it               did               not               affect               you               personally               surely               you               have               seen               or               heard               about               it               on               the               news               for               quite               a               while               after               it               was               over,               but               the               effects               are               still               felt               today.

Your               life               is               going               along               day               to               day,               and               all               of               a               sudden               just               a               few               hours               later               it               is               changed               forever.
               You               first               realize               the               damage               that               is               done               to               your               own               home.

Then               you               take               notice               of               the               damage               to               your               neighborhood,               your               city               and               then               your               state.

Beyond               the               damage,               you               then               are               confronted               with               the               loss               of               life,               be               it               loved               ones               or               friends.

If               you               were               blessed               enough               to               not               have               anyone               pass               away               due               to               these               storms               you               certainly               heard               stories               of               it               on               the               news.
               Beyond               that,               your               place               of               work               may               no               longer               even               be               there               so               now               you               may               very               realistically               be               out               of               a               job               until               your               place               of               work               can               be               rebuilt.

While               social               programs               are               setup               to               help               in               these               situations               that               is               merely               all               they               do,               help.
               I               consider               myself               to               be               an               average               American.

I               have               little               to               no               savings,               I               live               paycheck               to               paycheck               and               as               a               survivor               of               hurricane               Katrina               I               can               tell               you               it               was               one               of               the               most               trying               times               in               my               life.
               In               the               end               there               is               no               one               really               to               turn               to               except               God.
               I               was               raised               up               as               a               Catholic.

I               went               to               church               every               Sunday               and               was               also               an               altar               boy.

As               a               young               child               I               was               very               involved.

As               an               adult               I               am               not               involved               at               all.

I               consider               my               relationship               with               God               to               be               my               personal               relationship               with               Him.

In               short               I               am               a               person               of               extreme               faith,               but               no               longer               religious               by               any               means.

In               recent               years               I               can               honestly               say               that               I               have               had               serious               lapses               in               my               faith               with               God               and               I               can               also               surmise               that               anyone               going               through               trying               times               such               as               this,               with               the               stroms,               may               also               be               having               a               test               of               faith.
               The               recent               tornado               in               Joplin               MO.

has               killed               116               people               as               I               write               this,               and               the               death               toll               is               rising.
               One               of               the               first               things               people               do               when               tragedy               like               this               strikes               is               they               thank               God               they               are               alive               and               pray               that               their               family               and               friends               are               alive               as               well.

Why               do               they               do               this?

Does               God               really               have               some               vested               interest               in               who               lives               and               dies               especially               in               weather               related               events?
               Beyond               the               weather,               look               at               your               local               headlines,               rape,               murder               and               kidnappings.

The               list               can               go               on               and               on               of               the               absolute               unspeakable               evil               that               is               in               our               world               today.

Does               God               really               have               a               say               in               this?

This               is               where               I               personally               have               had               a               trying               time               in               my               relationship               with               God.

If               He               really               cared               and               really               loved               us,               would               he               let               this               happen?

The               answer               is               yes,               after               all               these               events               are               taking               place.
               In               my               own               experience               with               Katrina               it               wasn't               God               who               helped               me               and               my               family.

It               was               my               fellow               man.

Our               power               was               out               and               it               would               be               out               for               roughly               two               weeks.

We               had               gone               at               least               five               days               without               ice               and               it               was               in               the               middle               of               what               seemed               like               one               of               the               hottest               summers               I               can               remember.

I               recall               one               of               our               neighbors               happened               to               have               a               generator               running.

I               was               never               the               type               of               person               to               bother               our               neighbors               with               anything.

I               promise               you               I               am               the               type               of               person               who               will               never               knock               on               your               door               and               ask               to               borrow               a               cup               of               sugar,               I               just               don't               do               it.

However               it               was               extremely               hot               and               we               had               been               doing               clean               up               in               the               yard               and               making               some               home               repairs,               so               my               wife               and               I               went               over               to               our               neighbor's               house               and               asked               if               he               happened               to               have               any               ice               and               if               so               could               he               please               spare               some.
               I               can               remember               it               like               it               was               yesterday.

He               gave               us               a               gallon               sized               Ziploc               bag               full               of               ice               and               said               if               we               needed               anymore               to               just               come               and               ask.

Oh               the               joy               I               felt.

I               had               never               been               so               happy               as               to               have               ice               in               all               my               life.

At               the               time,               I               would               have               paid               $100               for               that               bag               of               ice               because               it               was               so               hot               out,               but               our               neighbor               was               gracious               enough               to               offer               what               he               had               plus               if               we               needed               more,               to               just               come               and               get               it.
               It               was               the               first               time               we               had               met               our               neighbor,               but               it               was               a               friendship               in               the               making.

My               wife               ended               up               making               this               man               pies               every               few               months               at               first               as               a               thank               you               but               then               because               he               was               a               friend.
               That's               right,               God               didn't               provide               in               our               time               of               need,               our               neighbor               did.

When               we               needed               food,               God               didn't               provide               food,               local               groups               did.

When               the               credit               card               companies               let               us               skip               a               month               of               paying               the               bill               again               it               wasn't               God               but               man.
               If               you               try               and               bring               God               into               the               equation               of               daily               events               you               will               drive               yourself               mad.

After               all,               God               doesn't               make               a               drunk               driver               wreck               into               a               car               filled               with               children               and               kill               them,               that               is               also               our               fellow               man.
               So               where               does               this               leave               us               in               times               of               crises?

It               took               me               34               years               to               come               up               with               the               answer.

God               truly               lets               the               world               dictate               its               own               speed               and               path.

Man               makes               all               the               choices               not               God.
               But               I               can               absolutely               tell               you               that               God               is               working               his               will,               not               as               we               always               want               it,               but               it               is               there.
               When               these               events               take               place               such               as               Joplin               MO.

or               Tuscaloosa               Al.

with               the               tornados.

We               have               no               one               to               rely               on               but               ourselves.

That               is               where               God               is               making               his               mark.

When               our               neighbor               gave               us               the               ice               that               day,               that               was               God               at               work.

When               a               family               looses               absolutely               everything               in               their               life,               God               provides               the               support               from               our               fellow               man               to               help               ease               the               burden.

When               you               hear               about               the               killings               in               Libya               on               the               civilians,               that               is               not               God's               will.

But               when               the               people               have               had               enough               and               they               rise               up               in               the               face               of               utter               destruction               and               strangers               begin               helping               strangers,               that               is               Gods               will               at               work.
               It               took               me               34               years               of               my               life               to               be               able               to               see               God's               will.

Whenever               you               help               a               family               member               or               even               a               complete               stranger               you               are               doing               God's               work.
               I               myself,               have               been               blessed               with               a               loving               wife               who               is               there               for               me               during               my               most               trying               times,               and               my               mother               who               was               there               from               the               start.

Whenever               I               am               going               through               a               stage               where               it               feels               like               everything               is               falling               apart               I               know               they               will               be               there               for               me.

It               is               through               them               that               I               feel               Gods               love               and               impact               on               my               life.
               My               heart               goes               out               to               these               families               affected               by               these               tornadoes               and               flooding.

If               you               can't               give               to               them               because               of               your               own               situation               then               at               least               pray               for               them,               because               in               times               like               these               the               only               people               they               can               count               on               is               each               other               and               in               mans               time               of               dire               need,               we               all               become               neighbors               and               friends.
               I               told               you               at               the               top               of               this               page               I               felt               compelled               to               write               this.

Let               me               clarify               my               statement.

I               absolutely               love               to               write,               and               it               is               usually               on               sports               subjects.

My               mother               lives               in               north               Alabama               and               has               seen               what               the               destruction               has               caused               and               she               said               that               the               situation               there               is               so               bad               there               that               I               ought               to               write               about               it.

My               wife               also               jumped               on               the               band               wagon               and               after               some               light               prodding               and               a               week               of               thought,               I               sat               down               to               write               this.

My               hope               in               writing               this               is               that               people               will               better               understand               just               how               bad               the               situation               is               in               these               storm               affected               communities               and               will               help               in               whatever               way               they               can,               even               if               it               is               just               as               simple               as               giving               your               neighbor               a               bag               of               ice.

So               there               it               is               again,               God               is               speaking               to               the               most               important               women               in               my               life,               which               in               turn               gave               me               the               words               to               write               this               article.
               God               does               not               cause               the               pain               in               our               life,               but               he               does               grace               us               with               the               tools               to               help               out               our               fellow               man               in               time               of               need               in               our               own               little               way.

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    2. themeck.blogspot.com/   01/23/2012
      http://blog.al.com/spotnews/2012/01/national_weather_service_ef-3.html Twitter / Follow The Meck The Meck Report /Blog www.TheMeck.com
    3. bamatone.livejournal.com/   10/20/2013
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    4. thirdcupofcoffee.wordpress.com/   12/16/2010
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    5. thecapstone.blogspot.com/   02/19/2008
      Tuesday, February 19, 2008 Tuscaloosa Weather : HI 61 / LO 37 Increasing Clouds Tuscaloosa outdoors: Part one of a four...
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    tuscaloosa weather

    2013년 11월 24일 일요일

    About 'birmingham'|Chilling out in Birmingham with Staying Cool

    About 'birmingham'|Chilling out in Birmingham with Staying Cool

                   The               "Whites               Only"               and               "Colored               Only"               signs               can               only               be               found               in               Civil               Rights               museums               today               in               the               U.S.

    As               the               nation               prepares               to               celebrate               Dr.

    Martin               Luther               King,               Jr.'s               holiday               and               Black               History               Month,               we               must               not               become               so               caught               up               with               the               elaborate               events               and               articulate               guest               speakers               that               we               forget               about               "Bombingham".
                   Separate               has               never               been               Equal.
                   I               was               born               in               Birmingham,               Alabama               in               May               1963.

    Seven               months               later,               the               nation               mourned               as               President               John               F.

    Kennedy               was               assassinated.

    When               I               was               just               six-years-old,               Dr.

    Martin               Luther               King,               Jr.,               was               assassinated.

    I               don't               remember               how               my               baby               crib               looked               (if               I               had               one),               but               I               crystal               clearly               remember               my               mother               telling               me               how               she               and               her               elementary               school               peers               had               to               look               down,               and               get               off               the               sidewalks               when               white               students               passed               by               them.

    She               recalls               the               derogatory               regular               use               of               the               N-word               by               these               white               students               towards               black               children               (and               often               towards               black               men               and               women);               as               if               their               racist               actions               were               personally               sanctioned               by               the               U.S.

                   A               Change               Had               To               Come.
                   Yet,               Birmingham               has               certainly               changed,               and               Jim               Crow               is               only               a               memory               that               some               Confederates               conjure               in               their               minds               when               they               remember               the               Old               South.

    In               the               same               city               where               firehoses               were               used               to               control               "Colored"               protestors,               Oscar               Brennan               served               as               the               first               Black               Birmingham               Fire               Chief.
                   In               the               same               city               where               three               little               black               girls               were               killed               in               the               16th               Street               Baptist               Church               bombing               that               shook               and               shocked               the               nation,               a               little               black               girl               named               Condoleezza               Rice               grew               up               to               become               the               first               black               woman               to               hold               the               post               of               National               Security               Adviser               to               former               President               George               W.

    Bush,               and               the               first               black               women               to               serve               as               U.S.

    Secretary               of               State.

    Another               black               girl               who               lived               in               my               neighborhood,               named               Sundra               Escott-Russell               grew               up               to               become               the               first               Black               woman               in               the               Alabama               State               Senate.

    A               third               black               girl               named               Bessie               Sears               Estelle               grew               up               to               become               the               first               Black               women               Birmingham               City               Councilor.
                   In               the               same               city               where               Civil               Rights               protesters               from               across               the               nation               held               hands               and               sang               "We               Shall               Overcome",               Ruben               Studdard               became               the               first               black               male               winner               of               American               Idol.
                   I               have               something               in               common               with               one               of               the               richest               black               man               in               Alabama,               who               now               lives               in               Florida.

    I               graduated               from               the               University               of               Alabama               at               Birmingham               (UAB),               and               Donald               V.

    Watkins,               Sr.,               graduated               from               the               University               of               Alabama               School               of               Law.

    Watkins'               father               (late               Levi               Watkins)               served               as               a               longtime               president               of               Alabama               State               University               (ASU),               and               I               attended               ASU               as               a               graduate               student.
                   However,               I               have               served               inner               city               students               as               an               educator               since               1992               enriching               the               lives               of               thousands               of               young               people,               and               Watkins               is               a               black               attorney,               investor               and               entrepreneur               whose               net               worth               has               been               estimated               as               high               as               $1.5               billion.

    Success               can               often               be               measured               by               the               lives               you               enrich               or               the               riches               you               gain.

    Neither               can               be               gained               unless               you               choose               to               serve.

    Image of birmingham


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