레이블이 Tuscaloosa County Courthouse인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Tuscaloosa County Courthouse인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 25일 월요일

About 'city of tuscaloosa'|Tuscaloosa - Shades of Oklahoma City

About 'city of tuscaloosa'|Tuscaloosa - Shades of Oklahoma City

               It               was               the               summer               of               2005.

My               children               were               17,               14               and               12.

I               had               very               little               extra               money,               but               I               had               friends               in               Texas               and               New               Mexico               who               suggested               we               come               visit.

A               cross               country               trip!

We'd               drive               most               of               the               day,               stay               at               cheap               hotels,               and               spend               time               with               friends.

I               got               a               ton               of               maps               and               that               was               it               -               we               were               doing               it!
               The               plan               was:               Harrisonburg,               VA               -               to               visit               James               Madison               University               (my               daughter               didn't               like               it);               Chattanooga,               TN;               Baton               Rouge,               LA;               College               Station,               TX;               Tijeras,               NM;               Colorado               Springs,               CO;               Kansas               City,               MO;               Indianapolis,               IN;               and               home               to               Pennsylvania.
               Now,               July               is               hot,               and               it's               really               hot               in               the               south.

But               I               refused               to               turn               on               the               air               conditioning               in               the               car.

(It               was               the               summer               gas               prices               would               never               be               the               same.)               When               we               stopped               in               Tuscaloosa               to               eat               lunch,               we               were               nasty.

Sweating,               and               mean.

Being               out               in               the               sun               felt               like               being               broiled               in               an               oven.

When               we               got               back               in               the               car,               I               turned               on               the               air,               and               peace               overtook               us.
               We               saw               Baton               Rouge               only               weeks               before               Katrina               hit               (that               always               seemed               eery               to               me               later).
               My               friends               took               us               on               a               tour               of               the               best               cities               in               Texas,               Austin               and               San               Antonio.

A               little               flat,               but               other               than               that,               we               loved               the               cowboy               hats               and               boots.
               My               NM               friends               took               us               on               a               tour               of               Albuquerque,               Santa               Fe,               and               Los               Alamos.

We               saw               Tinkertown               Museum,               where               trinkets               and               old               glass               bottles,               cans,               you               name               it,               made               a               place               to               walk               through               and               view               art.

Nearby,               the               Sandia               Mountains               were               an               awesome               sight               to               behold.

Mountains               upon               mountains.
               Our               last               major               stop               was               Colorado               Springs,               and               we               walked               among               the               Garden               of               the               Gods.

Looking               up               at               the               rocks               surrounding               us,               the               sun               formed               a               halo               radiating               behind               them,               and               I               understood               the               name.

We               headed               back               east               through               Kansas               (where               there               is               a               whole               lot               of               nothing               for               miles               on               end),               Missouri               (we               stopped               to               see               the               Gateway               Arch               -               humungous!),               Indiana,               Ohio,               and               finally,               Pennsylvania.
               We               were               ready               for               it               to               be               over               when               it               was,               but               I               felt               satisfied               my               children               had               experienced               our               scenic               and               fascinating               country.

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city of tuscaloosa

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    2013년 11월 24일 일요일

    About 'tuscaloosa county'|...Jack Hays, for whom Hays County was named. . . . As an...Maverick came to San Antonio in 1838 from Tuscaloosa, Alabama, and was at least twice, maybe...

    About 'tuscaloosa county'|...Jack Hays, for whom Hays County was named. . . . As an...Maverick came to San Antonio in 1838 from Tuscaloosa, Alabama, and was at least twice, maybe...

    Do               you               believe               in               ghosts?

    Many               people               in               the               state               of               Alabama               do!

    And,               with               so               many               townships               in               the               state               reporting               hauntings,               who               could               blame               them!

    BaldwinCounty,               Silverhill,               Alabama
                   In               the               area               of               Woodhaven               Dairy               in               Silverhill,               fires               have               been               claimed               to               start               themselves,               things               seem               to               move               on               their               own               and               footsteps               have               been               heard               in               the               house.

    There               are               also               reports               of               windows               busting,               animals               found               dead               and               items               going               missing.

    The               story               behind               the               happenings               began               over               fifty               years               ago               when               two               young               children               were               allegedly               thrown               into               a               well               and               killed.

    It               is               believed               that               the               children               are               responsible               for               some               of               the               strange               happenings.
                   CalhounCounty,               Anniston,               Alabama
                   In               Anniston,               a               nun               is               said               to               haunt               the               Parker               Memorial.

    The               nun               apparently               hung               herself               in               the               main               hall.

    Now               the               town               folks               claim               to               see               the               hanging               rope               on               occasion               and               hear               a               chair               being               knocked               over,               followed               by               choking               sounds.
                   The               Stringfellow               Memorial               Hospital               nurses,               claim               to               hear               the               organ               being               played               in               the               chapel               by               unseen               fingers.

    The               patients               claim               to               see               a               headless               man               in               a               room               where               a               man               committed               suicide,               years               before.
                   The               Victoria               Mansion               of               Anniston,               now               a               restaurant               and               hotel,               has               problems               with               footsteps,               piano               playing,               clinking               glasses               in               the               bar               and               a               female               apparition               on               the               upstairs               landing.
                   CalhounCounty,               Jacksonville,               Alabama
                   At               the               Jacksonville               State               University,               footsteps,               moving               furniture               and               opening               doors               have               been               reported.

    There               have               also               been               instances               where               people               were               locked               in               their               rooms.

    Many               others               have               complained               about               clocks               that               didn't               work               properly.
                   ChiltonCounty,               Clanton,               Alabama
                   On               the               Refuge               Bridge,               in               the               town               of               Clanton,               strange               sounds               can               be               heard               in               the               night.

    People               have               also               spotted               orbs               of               light               floating               around               the               area               and               some               have               been               chased               by               fog.

    Some               reported               that               they               had               stopped               their               car               on               the               bridge               and               their               entire               car               started               rocking!

    It               is               said               that               if               you               get               out               of               your               car               and               walk               across               the               bridge,               you               can               feel               a               threatening               presence               walking               next               to               you.
                   CoffeeCounty,               Kinston,               Alabama
                   Visitors               at               the               Harrison               Cemetery               in               Kinston,               report               hearing               fiddle               music               coming               from               the               tomb               of,               deceased               resident,               Grancer               Harrison.

    Grancer               was               quite               fond               of               music               in               life               and               apparently               still               has               a               passion               for               it,               even               in               death.
                   CullmanCounty,               Cullman,               Alabama
                   In               the               town               of               Cullman,               several               employees               at               the               Woodland               Hospital               claim               to               hear               keys               jingle,               people               walking               around               in               empty               rooms.

    Some               claim               to               have               seen               apparitions               of               deceased               patients.

    There               are               also               reports               of               toilets               flushing               on               the               psychiatric               ward               and               an               ice               machine               pouring               ice               out               for               no               good               reason.
                   DallasCounty,               Selma,               Alabama
                   The               St.

    James               Hotel               in               Selma               has               at               least               three               spirits               haunting               it,               according               to               the               Library               of               Congress.

    Jesse               James               has               been               seen               in               all               of               his               transparent               glory,               sitting               at               the               bar               and               at               his               favorite               corner               table,               as               well               as,               coming               out               of               rooms               214,               314               and               315.

    Lucinda,               the               girlfriend               of               Jesse,               is               known               to               haunt               the               building.

    Lucinda's               apparition               has               been               spotted               floating               around               the               hotel               and               is               said               to               stop               to               observe               the               guests.

    A               canine               apparition               has               also               been               heard               barking               and               running               through               the               upstairs               hallways.

    It               is               believed               that               the               dog               may               have               belonged               to               Jesse.
                   There               are               other               apparitions               believed               to               haunt               the               St.


    Strange               sounds               and               unseen               barking               dogs               have               been               reported               in               the               courtyard,               as               well               as,               apparitions               seen               by               psychics               who               were               dressed               in               antique               clothing               and               unaware               of               the               living               people               around               them.
                   In               room               304,               flashes               of               light               were               reported               to               come               through               the               windows               and               the               curtains               apparently               moved               by               themselves.
                   In               the               bar,               glasses               have               been               clinked               together               until               an               employee               yells               for               the               apparition               to               stop               it!
                   A               psychic               team               conducting               research               went               into               the               ballroom               with               an               EVP               recorder               and               asked               if               anyone               was               there.

    When               playing               the               recording               back,               the               voice               of               an               older               gentleman               was               said               to               say,               "Well,               that's               a               stupid               question."
                   The               Alabama               Foundation               for               Paranormal               Research               found               proof               of               entities               in               the               hotel.
                   DeKalbCounty,               Pine               Ridge,               Alabama
                   The               Horton               House               of               Pine               Ridge               is               the               site               of               a               vicious               triple               murder               and               suicide.

    There               have               been               stories               of               séances               that               went               sour,               as               well               as,               persons               being               choked               after               they               entered               the               house               by               unseen               hands.

    The               sounds               of               knocking               can               be               heard               on               the               floors               and               walls.

    And,               even               more               bizarre,               are               the               reports               of               a               bird               singing               that               slowly               turns               into               the               screams               of               a               young               girl.
                   JeffersonCounty,               Adamsville,               Alabama
                   In               the               town               of               Adamsville,               you               might               want               to               think               twice               about               walking               the               streets               at               night.

    Night               travelers               have               reported               seeing               dark               figures               in               the               woods               and               on               the               outskirts               of               neighborhoods.

    Some               have               described               the               feeling               of               being               followed,               while               others               have               heard               actual               footsteps               behind               them               but,               when               they               turn               to               look,               no               one               is               there!
                   The               sanctuary               of               their               homes               is               not               much               better               than               the               dark               streets;               many               have               seen               shadows               rush               past               their               windows               at               night.

    Some               report               hearing               scratching               noises               outside               their               homes               and               one               man               actually               found               claw               marks               on               his               banister               when               morning               came!
                   In               several               of               the               homes               of               Adamsville,               residents               have               reported               hearing               footsteps               or               someone               running               in               their               hallways               and               on               their               stairs!

    These               people               also               state               that               doors               slam               shut               on               their               own,               voices               call               out               their               names               and               electrical               appliances               come               on               and               go               off               without               explanation.
                   JeffersonCounty,               Birmingham,               Alabama
                   In               the               library               of               Birmingham,               things               are               often               moved               around               at               night               and               a               male               apparition               has               been               seen               quite               frequently.
                   Birmingham's               Bass               Cemetery               is               the               final               resting               place               for               many               civil               war               soldiers               and               slaves.

    Many               apparitions               have               been               spotted               here,               along               with               the               sound               of               screams               and               feelings               of               being               followed.
                   In               an               old               iron               plant               known               as               the               Sloss               Furnace,               the               ghost               of               a               man               killed               in               the               plant               can               be               seen               walking               the               catwalks               above.
                   JeffersonCounty,               Fultondale,               Alabama
                   In               the               old               Walkers               Chapel               Cemetery               in               Fultondale,               people               have               told               of               being               grabbed               at               their               feet               when               walking               past               graves.

    Some               have               even               said               that               their               shoes               were               pulled               completely               off!
                   JeffersonCounty,               Gardendale,               Alabama
                   In               the               Hodges               Cemetery               of               Gardendale,               people               have               reported               "things"               banging               on               their               cars,               faces               and               hands               at               the               windows               of               their               vehicles,               moving               gravestones,               strange               noises,               music               and               dark               creatures               at               night!
                   In               the               Moncrief               Cemetery               of               Gardendale,               screams               have               been               heard               in               the               night               and               apparitions               have               been               seen               walking               in               the               mortuary               at               midnight.

    Others               have               reported               that               when               they               attempted               to               leave,               their               cars               would               not               restart               even               though               they               ran               fine               when               entering               the               place!
                   MadisonCounty,               Owens               Cross               Roads,               Alabama
                   Behind               Hell's               Gate               in               Owens               Cross               Roads,               it               is               said               that               you               can               hear               chanting               but               there               is               no               known               source.

    People               have               claimed               that               things               have               been               thrown               at               them               but,               no               object               was               seen               or               hit               the               ground               and               no               source               of               the               thrown               object               could               be               seen.

    It               has               also               been               claimed               that               screams               and               whispers               can               be               heard               coming               from               the               empty               mansion               behind               the               gates.
                   MarshallCounty,               Albertville,               Alabama
                   In               Albertville,               library               workers               claim               that               the               elevator               goes               up               and               down               on               its               own.

    In               the               restrooms,               water               can               be               heard               running               but               when               someone               goes               in               to               check               things               out,               the               water               has               stopped!
                   On               the               road               close               to               an               Exxon               station               in               Albertville,               you               could               hear               some               unseen               force               mumbling               and               throwing               pebbles               or               you               may               see               dark,               shadowy               figures.
                   Just               off               of               the               highway,               a               haunted               house               stands,               not               so               silently,               but               definitely               empty.

    The               former               owner               was               killed               by               his               own               lawn               mower               and               afterward               his               wife               was               forced               to               move               out               due               to               the               banging               noises               that               began               to               occur.

    Another               couple               purchased               the               home               and               were               so               afraid               that               they               left,               leaving               all               of               their               belongings               behind!

    Neighbors               claim               that               lights               come               on               in               the               empty               house               at               night.

    The               realtors               have               had               no               luck               in               selling               the               place,               even               after               the               price               was               dropped               by               a               whopping               twenty               thousand               dollars!
                   On               the               main               street               of               Albertville,               many               people               have               complained               of               hearing               the               voices               and               footsteps               of               the               unseen.

    Business               owners               on               this               main               strip               complain               of               cold               spots               and               screams               coming               from               the               empty               street.

    Consequently,               this               same               area               was               victim               to               a               tornado               in               the               1900's               and               many               people               were               killed.
                   MobileCounty,               Dauphin               Island,               Alabama
                   Dauphin               Island               locals               claim               that               Fort               Gains               is               haunted               by               deceased               soldiers               and               their               apparitions               can               be               seen               all               over               the               area.

    One               apparition               in               particular               is               said               to               follow               visitors               as               they               are               leaving               the               fort.
                   MontgomeryCounty,               Montgomery,               Alabama
                   The               State               Capital               Building,               located               in               the               city               of               Montgomery,               has               had               complaints               of               water               faucets               turning               themselves               on.

    Allegations               have               also               been               made               that               the               ghost               of               a               confederate               woman               has               been               seen               roaming               the               halls               and               the               second               floor               offices.
                   Employees               of               the               Tallapoosa               Entertainment               Center               of               Montgomery               have               complained               of               voices               whispering               in               their               ears,               the               casino               machines               playing               by               themselves,               ice               leaping               out               of               drinks               and               doors               opening               and               closing               on               their               own.
                   MorganCounty,               Decatur,               Alabama
                   At               the               South               Morgan               Health               Care               Center               in               Decatur,               visitors               have               taken               pictures               that,               when               developed,               showed               a               ghost               looking               in               the               windows               at               them.

    Visitors               and               workers               have               also               complained               about               hearing               heavy               breathing               behind               them,               seeing               apparitions               darting               into               rooms               and               cold               gusts               of               wind               blowing               at               the               bottom               of               the               stair               inside               the               building.
                   ShelbyCounty,               Montevallo,               Alabama
                   In               the               town               of               Montevallo,               also               in               Shelby               County,               stands               the               University               of               Montevallo.

    The               school,               as               well               as,               the               campus               is               said               to               be               haunted               by               several               ghosts.

    The               apparition               of               Henry               Clay               Reynolds,               a               Captain               during               the               Civil               War,               has               been               said               to               follow               students               while               they               made               their               way               across               the               campus.

    Captain               Reynolds               has               also               been               reported               to               open               and               close               windows               and               may               be               the               source               of               frequent               hot               and               cold               spots               throughout               the               University               and               its               grounds.
                   In               1908,               a               young               woman               by               the               name               of               Condie               Cunningham               was               accidentally               set               afire               and               died               soon               afterward.

    The               spirit               of               Condie               is               said               to               live               on               in               the               University.

    Some               students               and               staff               have               witness               the               apparition               of               a               woman,               running               down               the               hallways               on               fire.

    Some               have               heard               the               sounds               of               running               in               the               halls               without               the               accompanying               visualization.

    Many               students               using               the               showers               or               walking               the               halls               have               heard               her               horrific               screams.
                   Another               interesting               story               about               the               University               campus;               in               the               1820's               a               man               named               Edmond               King               built               a               mansion               on               the               grounds.

    Edmond               lived               there               with               his               wife               and               son               until               his               death               in               1863.

    Before               the               old               man               died,               it               is               said               that               he               buried               his               money               under               a               tree               to               keep               the               Union               Army               from               stealing               it.

    Some               have               made               allegations               of               seeing               an               old               man               wandering               the               grounds,               carrying               a               lantern               and               shovel.

    Others               have               reported               that               while               walking               past               the               house               at               night               they               have               seen               a               lantern               passing               the               second               floor               windows.

    Another               account               tells               of               the               apparition               sitting               at               the               table               counting               money.

    During               the               day,               some               students               have               reported               seeing               the               ghost               wave               at               them               from               the               second               story               windows.

    Also,               at               a               wedding               held               in               the               mansion,               guests               told               of               seeing               a               white-robed               apparition               under               the               dining               room               table               that               floated               out               a               nearby               window!
                   TuscaloosaCounty,               Northport,               Alabama
                   In               the               Old               Bryce               Hospital,               an               old               mental               institution               in               Northport,               writing               has               appeared               on               walls.

    Employees               have               reported               strange               noises,               the               feeling               of               being               watched,               hot               and               cold               spots,               ringing               telephones,               furniture               being               moved               and               footsteps               in               the               hallways.
                   TuscaloosaCounty,               Tuscaloosa,               Alabama
                   In               the               university               located               in               Tuscaloosa,               scraping               sounds               are               reported,               as               well               as,               footsteps,               screams               and               moaning.

    During               the               civil               war               a               union               soldier               was               allegedly               tortured               and               killed               in               this               same               building.
                   WalkerCounty,               Parrish,               Alabama
                   At               Jack's               Restaurant,               in               the               town               of               Parrish,               a               ghost               named               Mary               is               known               for               knocking               items               off               of               shelves,               slamming               ovens               shut,               turning               on               grills               during               the               night               and               whispering               through               the               drive-thru               speakers               and               in               the               bathrooms.
                   So,               I               ask               you               again,               do               you               believe               in               ghosts?

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